Mankind has done many things and can do many things mainly thanks to the ability to think. But there’s one thing that Man can never or has not been able to overcome or control---Time. Time is just one thing that moves on its own regardless of what happen. It’s just like a person who prefers to work alone all the time and will constantly do its part without complaining or taking any breaks. Because of this cold hard fact, every being and the un-identified existence have to accept the presence of Time, Time being uncontrollable and Time moving and working constantly, non-stop.
So far, what Man is able to do is manage Time. Using the time that is available to do the task that needs to be completed, that is what’s been possible to be done. That’s why, Man is still restricted by Time. How? For students, school work given by teachers has to be completed WITHIN the given Time. Teachers, they have to complete the syllabus WITHIN the Time in the form of the timetable. In the working world, task has to be completed WITHIN the given Time. These few examples that can be observed in daily life have clearly proved my point. Of course you may say that these are all plain common sense. Yes it is, I agree with you but this is one of the things that we sometimes forget or fail to notice. That is why this serves as a reminder.

Like any other things, Time, its presence or existence has its pros and cons. I would describe Time as the character, Erik from the story ‘The Phantom of the Opera’—it can be one’s best friend and the worst enemy. Time is the best friend when one develops its skills through daily activities. And just as the saying goes, Time mends the heart when one is down, at least most of the time. Time can also foster friendships and strengthening them. These are some of the examples that showed Time as one’s best friend. Time is the worst enemy when it weakens one after failing to mend the heart, exposing one to the facts of old age, makes relationship fade and shows the reality of life that Death has to come.
With this said, one just can’t help but wonder what things would be without Time. Would it be that Death will not exist? Would it be that Man will not grow old? And if this happens, would it be that Man will not flourish as they don’t learn any skills through their daily activities? So many question can arise from the imaginative, creative and curious mind of Man. Even though it is a fact that Time will stay and exist, one things for sure, Man can always choose how they want to manage or use Time. Whether happy or sad or simply blank, Man decides.
Googiz525 original
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