Thursday, January 31, 2008

Handy Tips:Pin the blame on the donkey

You are in an argument and you are feeling angry, at the same time the person you are argueing with is feeling the same way so yelling at one another will only make situation worst. So the better way is to :

  • Stop and ask yourself: "Do i really need to say this?" Wait and think about what's troubling before you speak about it.
  • be willing to say:"OK, I'll back off and really try to listen to you this time." Sometimes sticking up for one self is good but sometimes it leads to a stalemate.
  • Recognise when you are angry and blaming your partner. Try this strategy: Say, "I think I'm getting angry . " Then pause and say, " I need time to think over what's going on in me before i can talk to you."
  • Look deeply within yourself t find what is troubling you. Communicate about what is causing your pain.
  • The blame game stops when the couple can say, " Let's pin the blame on the donkey instead of each other." use these phrases to stop blaming:" I see what you mean," or " I never looked at it in that way," or "You might be right".

*information is obtained from 'the Star' newspaper for benefit of all

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